B C Cherry And Raspberry Preserves


Stem and pit the cherries.
You should have 4 cups.
In a large bowl , stir together the cherries , raspberries and sugar.
Let stand at room temperature , stirring occasionally , for 2 hours.
Pour the fruit into a wide , shallow , nonreactive saucepan and stir in the lemon juice.
Cook over moderate heat , stirring occasionally , for 30 to 40 minutes until the mixture looks thickened and glazed.
Remove a table-spoon of the preserves to a small saucer and chill in the freezer for 5 minutes.
Run your finger through the mixture.
If it wrinkles , it is ready to jar.
If it is not ready , continue cooking for 5 more minutes and repeat the test.
Sterilize four 8-ounce canning jars by washing and rinsing them in the dishwasher without detergent.
Keep them warm in a 250 degrees f oven.
Pour boiling water over the jar lids to soften the rubber seals.
Ladle the hot preserves to within 1 / 2 inch of the rims of the jars.
Wipe the rims and seal with the hot lids and metal bands.
Let c.


bing cherries, raspberries, granulated sugar, fresh lemon juice