Caramelized Onion Tortilla
Although americans think of the tortilla as the wrapper for a taco or for a burrito, spaniards use the term to refer to flavorful egg dishes like this one, which is a cousin to the italian frittata, serve it hot or make it up to a day ahead(wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate), then serve at room temperature. Here the onions are caramelized and become sweet as they cook. You can add other vegetables such as thinly sliced potatoes. The recipe is courtesy of paulette mitchell, author of 10 cookbooks.
Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
Add onions.
Cover and cook for about 15 minutes , stirring once half way through.
Reduce heat to low.
Cook , covered , stirring occasionally , until the onions are very soft and golden , about 45 minutes , let cool for 10 minutes.
Whisk together the eggs , salt and pepper in a medium bowl.
Stir into onions.
Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium heat.
Add the egg-onion mixture.
Cook undisturbed for 3 minutes , then occasionally loosen the edges with a spatula to allow the uncooked portion to flow to the bottom of the pan until eggs are almost set , about 10 minutes.
Place a plate over the top of the skillet.
Holding firmly together , invert the plate and the skillet so the tortilla falls onto the plate.
Slide the tortilla back into the skillet , browned side side up.
Cook until the bottom is browned and the inside is cooked through but still moist , about 5 minutes.
olive oil, yellow onion, eggs, salt and pepper, sage leaf