Baked Sausage Potatoes And Cheese
Mmm...cheesy goodness. This is especially good on those cold days. I got this recipe from my mom and her best friend a couple of years ago and have been enjoying it ever since.
Preheat oven to 375f.
Put oil in skillet and place over medium heat until hot.
Brown sausage on both sides.
Place sausage in between layers of paper towels to get out as much of the grease as possible.
Spray deep baking dish with crisco and place sausage into it.
Brown potatoes , in the sausage grease left in skillet.
You may need to add a bit more oil.
Follow the same paper towel method as you did in step #3.
This time with the potatoes.
Place potatoes on top of sausage in deep baking dish.
Bake at 375f until potatoes are soft.
Check often , as not to burn.
Place a layer of sliced cheese over top when potatoes are soft.
Put back in the oven until cheese is melted.
Serve and enjoy.
sausage, potatoes, nice & cheesy cheese, vegetable oil