Maple Vinegar Crispy Chicken

We made this wonderful dish at culinary communion, with chef gabriel claycamp. this recipe is a repeat favorite with class attendees, and they've been known to call gabriel up years later, from halfway across the country, to replace the beloved recipe that they'd misplaced. :) recipe posted with permission.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees f.
Begin the sauce by melting 2 tablespoons butter in a medium saucepan over medium high temperature , then add the shallots and cook until translucent.
Add the pepper , nutmeg , and vinegar and bring to a boil , then add the maple syrup and return to a boil.
Allow to reduce by half and reserve.
While sauce is reducing , begin working on the chicken by spatchcocking it: with sharp kitchen or poultry shears , cut the backbone out of the chicken by cutting along one side of the backbone , then along the other.
Turn the chicken over and remove the keel bone , then press down to flatten it.
Additionally , for this recipe you also remove the wings.
Do not remove the skin of the chicken.
Season both sides of prepared chicken with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Heat the oil or fat in a large , heavy oven-proof skillet over high temperature.
When it is very hot , carefully add the chicken skin-side-down into the hot pan.
Cook over high temperatur.


butter, shallot, fresh ground black pepper, nutmeg, cider vinegar, maple syrup, chicken, salt & freshly ground black pepper, peanut oil, sliced almonds, leek, dried cranberries, fresh breadcrumb