Lime Tea Punch

My mum got this recipe about 20 years ago from one of her friends. It is delicious served chilled in the summertime. Prep time is for the tea and sugar mixes, cook time is an estimate for chilling as i haven't made this in ages. I estimate the serving size to be 250 ml, but maximum yield is around 2 litres.


Pour boiling water over tea bags and leave to stand for 5 minutes.
Remove tea bags and add strained lime juice.
Combine sugar and extra water in pan , stir over low heat without boiling until sugar is dissolved , then boil without stirring for 3 minutes.
Add sugar syrup to lime and tea mixture and chill again.
Add chilled lemonade just before serving and decorate with slices of lime and fresh mint.


tea bags, boiling water, lime juice, sugar, water, lemonade