Aunt Poly's Sweet Pickles

You just have to eat these pickles to understand how good they are. I will never again make this type pickles from scratch. These are just as good and a lot less trouble. The cook time is actually refrigerator time, since you don't do any cooking on this. Special thanks to my aunt poly cole for this recipe.


Drain off and throw away all vinegar from the jug of dill pickles.
Cut pickles in disks , do not cut too thin.
Return the pickles to the gallon jug and add the sugar to pickles.
Thghten the lid on jar and turn.
Shake the jar several times a day until all sugar has dissolved.
Add 1 oz.
Tabasco and pickling spices and mix well.
You can do this by turning jug upside down several times.
The pickles will be crisp in a week to 10 days.


dill pickle, sugar, tabasco sauce, pickling spices