Haka Taro Cooked Taro

Taro root is a starchy tuber vegetable. It has a hairy outer coating on its surface that is similar to the coating on a coconut. Because of this, when preparing to use a taro root, the root's outer skin must first be removed. This procedure is easy to do. However, some individual's can acquire a skin irritation towards the juices that are secreted by the taro root as its skin is being removed. Therefore, to be on the safe side, when peeling a taro root's skin, use protective rubber gloves. Additionally, because taro root can be toxic in its raw state, always cook it before using.


Place pot on stove and add two cups water over medium heat.
Use knife to remove skin off taro.
Wash taro and knife before placing taro on cutting board.
Cut in half then cut into smaller pieces.
Put taro into potwith sufficient water to cover most pieces.
Cover and boil until taro is almost tender when pierced with a fork.
Chop onion and add to cup of coconut cream / milk then add pinch of of salt for taste before pouring it over taro when almost cooked.


taro root, coconut cream, onion, salt