Crystal Clear Punch With Fruit Cubes
Delectable for any occasion. This punch is clear, light, and refreshing. Feel free to add a clear liquor of your choice for an adults only version (such as white wine, mandarin vodka, or even champagne). Yields about 36 (3-oz) servings. The frozen fruit is an estimated amout, you should make at least 40 cubes for the punchbowl. You can also make individual clear drinks/beverages, using the fruit cubes as needed. :) note: for the fruit cubes, you can also use 3 (15 oz) cans fruit cocktail (syrup and all)
While fruit is still frozen , dice into small pieces.
Work carefully yet quickly to keep fruit in a frozen state.
Place a few bits of frozen fruit bits into each of the ice molds / trays.
Pour enough chilled white grape juice to fill trays.
Pour into mini muffin tins or ice trays and freeze solid.
Once fully frozen , place in a large ziploc bag until needed.
When ready to serve , mix remaining bottle of white grape juice and ginger ale into a punch bowl.
Add frozen fruit cubes and serve.
frozen fruit, white grape juice, ginger ale