Christmas Tree Edible Centerpiece

I used a mix of cauliflower from the gardenia mix, broccoli and boccoflower for a contrast of color. I quickly blanched the broccoli and broccoflower heads very quickly (just seconds) in salted boiling water and the chilled to brighten the color!you'll need styrofoam cone and toothpicks! . I also used a platter that has a center with with a dip basin which is not really needed.


Place foam on platter.
Using toothpicks secure lettuce on foam just to cover.
Starting with the largest broccoli and broccoflower heads place on foam starting at the base and work your way up securing with toothpicks.
Push 1 / 2 the carrots randomly into the foam.
Take the rest of the veggies cut into small pieces and fill in the empty spots and brighten up the tree.
Using toothpicks only if needed.
Mix the remaining carrots with the juice from the carrots , remaining vegetables with the juice from the gardenia mix and place around the base of the tree.
Top with the star.
Serve with a dip of choice.


lettuce leaves, broccoli, carrot, mixed vegetables