Chow Chow The Hot Version

This recipe can be made with green tomatoes or ripe tomatoes. Whichever you prefer. The measurements can be altered to suit your own taste. It just depends on how hot or mild you want your chow chow. Yield is a guess. I use whatever size jars i have empty, so i never really know the exact yield.


Peel and chop tomatoes and put into a large stock pot.
Chop peppers and onions and put into pot.
Add remaining ingredients and bring to a boil , stirring pretty often.
Cook on med heat until thick , approximately 45 minutes to an hour.
Put into prepared canning jars.
Making sure rims of jars are completely clean , place lids and rings onto jars and process in hot water bath for 5 minutes.


tomatoes, hot pepper, onions, sugar, white vinegar, allspice, salt