Angel Food Pineapple Cake
A very simple, very light cake recipe that i found online when i needed something fast to bring to a bbq. I sprinkled shredded unsweetened coconut on top before cooking which was nice and toasty when it came out of the oven. I served it with strawberries and cool whip. Fantastic recipe when you need to whip up something simple in a hurry.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Prepare 13 x 9 pan.
Mix can of pineapple with box of angel food cake.
Blend with hand blender on low for one minute.
Pour into pan.
Sprinkle coconut evenly on top of batter.
Bake for 25 - 30 minutes.
Serve with non-fat cool whip and fresh fruit.
crushed pineapple, angel food cake mix, unsweetened dried shredded coconut