Allergy Relief Drink
Allergies are sooooo annoying! Can i hear a amen? but seriously as soon as spring comes around for me its terrible and the sneezing, itchy/watery eyes, and asthma comes on strong. I am literally allergic to almost everything under the sun: grass, weeds, trees, flowers, etc. Luckily i’m not allergic to dogs that would be heartbreaking. This year since being on a more natural journey i wanted to find a natural allergy relief. Well that, and my allergy medicine ran out and i didn’t want to buy more so i started looking for a natural solution. There are more natural solutions than this but this is what i have tried so far and what works for me.
Place honey and raw organic apple cider vinegar in a tall glass and fill wilt warm water.
Stir to dissolve honey and drink away.
I drink this twice a day.
I can feel when it starts to wear off and know i need another drink.
You can also add a squeeze a lemon for extra deliciousness !.
Try to get local honey , as this helps greatly with your allergies.
honey, apple cider vinegar, warm water