Broken Glass Jello
This recipe is from a blog online. this dessert is very colorful (use your imagination for the colors that look good together). i recommend red, blue, yellow and green. kids will love it! zaar wouldn't let me post 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin (like knox). the envelopes are .25 oz. Each."
Dissolve each box of jello separately , into one cup of hot water.
Pour into individual containers and chill overnight.
Cut flavors of jello into small blocks.
Mix together carefully in a 9 x 13 inch pan.
In a separate bowl , dissolve 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin in 1 / 4 cup cold water.
Add dissolved gelatin to 13 / 4 cups hot water and condensed milk.
Poor cooled milk mixture over jello and chill overnight.
jello gelatin, sweetened condensed milk, unflavored gelatin, water