Agave Maple Syrup Substitute Vegan

Allow me to state for the record: *nothing can or will ever replace real maple syrup*. However, in the past few years, it's been my intention to find a suitable maple syrup substitute. I tested different kinds of sweeteners: brown rice syrup, non-refined cane sugar, honey and barley malt. Agave nectar worked the best. As we all know, real maple syrup is most definitely preferred but this syrup sub will do in emergencies. Note: i use this substitute for pancakes, waffles, etc. I take no responsibility for any cooking disasters that may occur if substituting the syrup for real maple syrup in recipes. ;)


Place the agave nectar in a bowl and whisk in the real maple extract.
Alternatively , place the ingredients in a small sauce pan.
Heat syrup until warm.
Taste and adjust , adding more maple extract if necessary.


agave nectar, maple extract