Black Pudding Blood Sausage
Black pudding, as made in the uk, is a blend of onions, pork fat, oatmeal, flavorings - and blood (usually from a pig). As long as animals have been slaughtered to provide food, blood sausages like black pudding have been in existence. Other varieties of blood sausage include blodpølse in norway and denmark, boudin noir in france, tongeworst (with added pigs tongues) in the netherlands, zwarte pens or beuling in belgium, blóðmör in iceland, boudin rouge in creole and cajun areas of the us, morcela and chouriço de sangue in portugal, morcilla in spain and latin america, krvavica in eastern europe, sângerete in romania, prieta in chile, rellena or moronga in mexico, doi in vietnam, ragati in nepal, mustamakkara in finland, verivorst and verikäkk in estonia and kaszanka in poland. Seasonings and fillers vary from maker to maker and country to country, but black pepper, cayenne pepper, mace, herbs, and coriander are frequently used flavorings. These are added to the blood, oatmeal a
Pre-heat oven to 160c / 300f / gas mark 2.
Assemble meat grinder and prepare the casings: choose long pieces of the casings so that you have more control over the size of the links that you wish to make.
Soak the casings in cool water about 5 minutes about an hour in advance of stuffing to remove the salt on the outer surface.
Rinse under cool running water.
To remove excess salt from the inside , hold one end of a casing in place on a faucet nozzle and turn on cold tap water to fill the casing with liquid.
If you spot any holes in the casing at this time , discard or cut the damaged bit off.
Remove from faucet and squeeze out water.
Cover the rinsed and drained casings and refrigerate until ready to use.
Mix all of the ingredients together thoroughly , making sure that the seasonings are evenly distributed.
Fill the casings and make links by twisting the sausage two or three turns at the points where you wish them to be.
Place into an ovenproof dish with a cover , standing.
pork blood, suet, milk, oatmeal, onions, salt, mixed herbs, cayenne pepper, nutmeg