Vampire Deterrent
I got this recipe originally from my old next-door neighbor. i watched her make it one friday in 3 minutes flat, and when she took the cover off her food processor the heavenly smell of garlic just wafted throughout the house and killed every vampire in the neighborhood. my neighbor calls this moroccan zchug, my friends call it that-yummy-garlic-stuff and i just smile and pile it on barbecued meats, baked potatoes, whatever. i actually happen to like vampires -- my father was born in transylvania -- so i hope none are offended by this recipe. just a boring little note here: there are two kinds of people in this world, cilantro lovers and cilantro haters. i belong to the former, sushiman to the latter. if you are like sushiman, just sub parsley for the cilantro. Since i let him put a ring on my finger and pay for my electricity, i've been making it with parsley instead and it's just as good.
Bung the peeled garlic cloves and the cilantro into the food processor.
Whiz until a paste is formed', that's it"]".
garlic, cilantro