Traditional Baked English Rice Pudding

A proper rice pudding is smooth & creamy with just a hind of spices. Serve it with a spoonful of thick cherry jam or icecream. You can also add more spice or less depending on taste


Pour the milk into a pan and add the vanilla bean pod.
Bring to simmering point , then remove from heat , cover and leave to infuse for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 150c.
Put the rice and sugar in an ovenproof dish.
Strain the milk over the rice , discarding the vanilla pod add the spices and stir to mix , then dot the surface with butter.
Bake uncovered for 2 hours.
After about 40 minutes , stir the surface skin into the pudding , and repeat this after a further 40 minutes.
Allow the pudding to finish cooking for the final 40 minutes without stirring.


whole milk, vanilla bean, short-grain rice, caster sugar, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg