Red Raspberry Sauce

This simple, three-ingredient sauce is very versatile. Right now i am enjoying it with freshly baked angel food cake, but i would love to try it with grilled peaches, and also with something chocolatey! I also think it would be nice with chicken or maybe a wheel of warm brie. It is a chunky sauce, with the texture determined by how much you crush the berries when you mix it. I more or less mashed mine, but i think leaving at least some of the berries whole would make a more elegant sauce. Add in a bit of your favorite liqueor or extract to vary the possibilities even more (i tried it with some triple sec - very good!)! . This recipe originates from the complete cooking light cookbook, and it makes approximately 1 1/2 cups.


Melt jam in a small saucepan over low heat.
Stir in lemon juice.
Remove from heat and place the jam mixture in a small glass bowl.
Stir in raspberries.
Serve warm or at room temperature.


fresh raspberries, lemon juice, seedless raspberry jam