Quick Tasty Rice Fritters

This tastes similar to latkes but even easier to make as there is no peeling involved. Double as needed." this is a perfect way to use up left over rice. Modified from http://www.sarahmelamed.com."


Combine all the ingredients except for oil and mix well.
In a pan , heat oil for shallow frying.
When the oil is hot , add a tablespoon of batter , pressing down slightly to form a flat fritter.
Fry one side until golden and flip.
If there are too many holes in the fritter , add more cornstarch to the batter.
Drain fritters on paper towels to absorb excess oil.
Serve with salsa , tzatziki or anything else that has a zesty fresh flavor !.
Enjoy !.


cooked rice, onion, egg, tapioca starch, canola oil