Pumpkin Ricotta Ravioli
Prep time is an estimate, cook time includes cooling the pumpkin.
Sift the flour onto the work surface and make a well.
You may want to oil your hands first to prevent sticking.
Add the eggs one at a time , then add the salt.
Mix the eggs , then add a little flour at a time from the well , until all the flour has been used.
Knead for about 5 minutes , adding flour if dough is too sticky.
Dice the pumpkin and cook in boiling water for 10 minutes.
Strain and leave to cool.
In a large bowl , soften the ricotta.
When the pumpkin has cooled , mash with a fork and add to the ricotta.
Add the parmesan , egg , nutmeg , salt and pepper to taste.
Mix the ingredients together until they have a uniform texture.
Roll out a thin sheet of pasta.
Use the smallest setting on the pasta machine.
Or roll by hand.
Pasta should be very very thin at the final stage.
If you have a ravioli attatchment for your machine , this should be easy from here on inches.
Using a spoon , piping bag or fingers , place filling at equal distance apart along one side.
flour, eggs, salt, ricotta cheese, pumpkin, parmesan cheese, egg, salt & pepper, nutmeg