Noah Bedoahs Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies
From judy rosenberg's 'rosie's bakery all-butter fresh cream sugar-packed no-holds-barred baking book'. i bake for friends and family all the time and hands down, this recipe is requested most often -- usually with mini chocolate chips and mac nuts. directions may look intimidating but the recipe comes together in minutes; follow step-by-step instructions for perfect buttery, light and crispy shortbread with every batch!!
Preheat oven to 275.
Line 2 cookie sheets with parchment paper or leave them ungreased.
Sift the flour , baking powder and salt together into a small bowl and set aside.
Using an electric mixer on medium speed , cream the butter and sugar together in a medium-sized mixing bowl until light and fluffy , about 1-1 / 2 minutes.
Stop the mixer to scrape the bowl several times with a rubber spatula.
Add the dry ingredients on low speed and continue to blend for 10 seconds.
Increase the speed to medium-high and beat until fluffy , 2 to 2-1 / 2 minutes.
Scrape the bowl.
Add the chocolate chips and nuts with several turns of the mixer , then complete the mixing by hand with a wooden spoon.
Measure out generous rounded tablespoonfuls of dough and roll them into balls with your hands.
Place the balls 1-1 / 2 inches apart on the cookie sheets and press them down lightly to form a flat bottom.
Bake the cookies until they are crunchy and golden , about 1 hour.
To test for doneness , re.
all-purpose flour, baking powder, salt, unsalted butter, granulated sugar, semi-sweet chocolate chips, nuts