Morcon Meat Roll Phillipines
This traditional recipe is a part of the christmas and new year food tradition in the philippines. Many traditional filipino holiday foods have a strong spanish influence. This recipe is for serving straight away but morcon is easier to slice when allowed to cool and much better after having been refrigerated. If ground ham and pork is not available, use a can of vienna sausages.
Spread steak out flat.
Spread margarine over steak.
Combine remaining ingredients except cooked eggs.
Spread mixture on the steak.
Place eggs 2 inches apart on meat mixture.
Roll as you would a jelly roll and tie with string.
In a large pot , mix cooking mixture.
Add steak on top and cook one hour at medium heat until meat is tender.
Remove meat to platter.
Strain cooking mixture and serve as a gravy over sliced portions of the meat.
beef flank steak, margarine, ground ham, ground pork, egg, cheddar cheese, sweet pickle relish, olives, lemon juice, raisins, hard-boiled eggs, string, water, wine vinegar, onion, garlic cloves, black peppercorns