Kartoffelkloesse German Potato Dumplings

Just what the name implies - these are german-style potato dumplings, as found everywhere in the south of germany, austria and bohemia. These are traditionally served with any roast with gravy, but most well-known as an accompaniment for a hearty sauerbraten and red cabbage. Like polenta, second-day leftovers are a treat when sliced into slabs and fried in butter.


Trim crusts off bread and save them for another use.
Cut bread into 1 / 2-inch cubes and fry in butter and oil mixture until golden brown , transfer to paper towel to dry.
Cook scrubbed , unpeeled potatoes in large pot of boiling salted water until tender , about 45 minutes.
Cool slightly.
Cut potatoes into large pieces.
Refrigerate until cold , about 30 minutes.
Mash potatoes with fork or run through ricer into large bowl.
Mix in salt and nutmeg.
Add 1 / 2 cup flour and cornstarch.
Using hands , knead mixture in bowl until smooth dough forms , adding more flour by tablespoonfuls if dough is sticky.
Mix in egg.
Form dough into balls , using 1 / 4 cupful for each.
Insert bread cube into center of each dumpling.
Roll dumpling between palms to enclose bread cube completely and form smooth balls.
Working in batches , cook dumplings in large pot of nearly boiling salted water 10-15 minutes.
Using slotted spoon , transfer dumplings to large bowl.
Keep covered.


russet potatoes, salt, ground nutmeg, all-purpose flour, cornstarch, egg, sourdough bread, unsalted butter, corn oil