Grilled Collard Greens

Who would've thought you could grill collard greens? but chef gabriel claycamp showed us how at culinary communion, and they were absolutely delicious!! the outside leaves are crispy, and the inner ones tender and juicy. posted with permission.


Prepare a large bowl of ice water.
Preheat your grill.
Bring a large pot of water to a rolling boil and add the salt and fat.
When salt is dissolved and fat is melted , add the collard greens to the boiling water and simmer for 3 minutes.
Remove collards from the water and immediately plunge into the ice water to halt the cooking and preserve the beautiful green color.
Remove the collards from the ice water a leaf at a time and stack them flat on top of each other , about 7 to 9 leaves high.
Oil your grill well and grill the stacked collard leaves until done , turning once , about 5 minutes per side.
Cut stacked collards in half or quarters , season with salt and pepper , and serve immediately.


collard greens, salt, bacon fat, ice water, salt & freshly ground black pepper