Elegant Seafood Chowder

The original recipe is from chatelaine. I've added clams and more mussels. Excellent chowder. The prep time includes the 1 day of chilling time.


Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium high heat.
Add the onions , garlic , and bacon and cook for 5 minutes , stirring often.
Add the broth , wine , sherry , tomatoes , hot peppers , seasonings and the bay leaf.
Bring to a boil , stirring often and break up the tomatoes.
Place the whole snapper on top.
Cover , reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.
Stir occasionally , being careful not to break up the fish.
Remove from heat.
Chill in fridge for 1 day.
Reheat , remove snapper and bay leaf from the chowder.
Discard the bay leaf and the heads , bones and skin.
Return the fish pieces to the chowder and place the chowder over medium heat.
Stir frequently until the chowder is piping hot.
Meanwhile , cut the fillets into 1 inch pieces and cut the zucchini into bite sized pieces.
Just 10 minutes before serving stir the fillets into the hot chowder.
Cover and reduce to medium low heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
Scrub mussels and clams.
Stir in the shrimp and place mu.


butter, onions, garlic, bacon, chicken broth, white wine, dry sherry, plum tomatoes, jalapenos, fresh basil, fresh thyme, cumin, sugar, dill, salt, cayenne, bay leaf, red snapper, fish fillets, zucchini, mussels, clams, shrimp, fresh dill