Egg In A Glass

A soft-boiled egg with cheese, herbs, butter, and a dash of pepper in a cup or a glass makes a very fast breakfast. I got the idea from a restaurant in prague. You can pick your favorite cheese, herbs, and spices. I originally made this with parmesan. Sharp cheeses work better and are tastier if you slice and crumble them or shred them for yourself, rather than use packaged shredded cheese.


Pick a cup or a glass that you would not be afraid to heat slightly.
Place it on the stove near the burner you are going to use for cooking the egg , not touching the burner , so it will heat slightly while the egg cooks.
Put all ingredients except for the egg into the cup.
Put the egg into a pan with cold water.
Heat it to boiling , then lower heat to medium and simmer 3 minutes.
Plunge the egg into cold water and peel it fast.
Put the warm peeled egg into the cup and roll it around slightly in cheese , butter , herbs , and cayenne.


egg, cheddar cheese, butter, tarragon, chives, cayenne pepper