Earl Grey Oatmeal For Zwt 8

Submitted by reader brittan h. Of vermont, this recipe was described as a new take on an old favorite & found in 1 of my grandparents.com newsletters. What could be more british than starting your dy w/an infusion of tea? (cooking time was estimated & 5 min prep time allowed) *enjoy!*!


In a lrg saucepan , combine milk & water until simmering.
Remove from heat & add tea bags.
Allow to steep for 5-10 minutes.
While the teabags are steeping , toast the oats.
In a skillet set over low-heat , add 1 tbsp of butter.
When butter stops foaming , add the oatmeal.
Stir until butter & oatmeal are well-combined.
When oatmeal is toasted & smells rich & nutty , remove from heat.
Remove the tea bags from the saucepan.
Place on med-heat & return to a boil.
Add oatmeal to the saucepan.
Turn down to low-heat.
Sprinkle in lemon zest & sweeten with honey to taste.
Allow to cook until the oatmeal is thick & creamy.
Serve warm , topped w / fruit , nuts or more honey.
Thin w / milk as desired.


milk, water, butter, steel cut oats, tea bags, lemon zest, honey