Crock Pot Ham
A while ago someone asked for a recipe for crock pot ham, diana neal suggested doing it with pineapple and brown sugar so last night i experimented and this recipe is the result. Mitchell hams are a small solid ham but you can adjust this recipe to accommodate any size or type of ham do not over cook it. The raisin sauce is so easy and tastes great. Since this is a first try recipe i would ask anyone that tries this recipe to please send in comments and any adjustments that you make i feel it has a way to go before it is just right.
Mix all the ingredients except raisins and ham in your crock pot.
Place ham in crock pot , spoon some of the mixture over the ham , turn to low.
Cook for 4 hours , after 3 hours add the raisins to the pot.
Carve and serve', put sauce in a serving bowl and it's done"]".
mitchell black forest ham, crushed pineapple, brown sugar, allspice, whole cloves, shallots, dark raisin