Creamy Leek Risotto

Some think that risotto is just too much trouble, but when you have guests that are in the kitchen drinking wine, and keeping you company it really isn't that bad. this is my stand-by risotto, we usually serve with fresh grilled steelhead. I got this from my friend stephanie don't know where she got it from.


Put chicken broth in sauce pan and bring to a slow simmer.
In thick bottomed 2 quart pan melt 1 tablespoons butter , saute chopped leeks , till softened.
Add 1 / 2 cup light cream.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Continue cooking until most of the liquid is gone.
Set aside.
In another pan or the same one that has been cleaned , add 2 tablespoons butter and 1 tbsp of olive oil.
Saute the minced onions , when softened , add the arborio rice , stir until the grains turn opaque.
Add the dry white wine , stir until no liquid is left.
Add broth to rice 1 / 2 cup at a time stirring until incorparated.
5 minutes before finished add the leeks and the parmesan cheese.
Continue cooking until thickened to desired level , stirring constantly.
Garnish with parsley or stir in before serving.


butter, leeks, light cream, salt and pepper, chicken broth, olive oil, onion, dry white wine, arborio rice, parmesan cheese, parsley