Cornmeal Crusted Trout Catfish

I love fish this way. Next to good ole' deep fried batter dipped, it is my fave way to eat fish. This is very simple to make and tastes delicious. Also, it is very versatile, you can serve with almost anything: salad, rice, potatoes, beans, whatever suits you!!


Beat egg with water in a shallow bowl.
Roll trout in the flour.
In a small paper or large ziplock bag , combine cornmeal , chopped nuts , salt , pepper , paprika , and ground cumin.
One piece at a time , dip fish in egg and then place in bag and toss to coat.
Heat veggie oil in frying pan over medium heat.
Fry fish in oil , turning once , till both sides are brown.
You can tell when the fish is done , because you can flake it with a fork.
My hubby likes to sprinkle a little lemon or lime juice on his fish , but i like it just the way it is !.


trout fillets, all-purpose flour, egg, water, yellow cornmeal, nuts, salt, pepper, paprika, ground cumin, vegetable oil