Apple And Cheese Scones

This recipe comes from the 2008 cookbook, fruit!!


Preheat oven to 400 degrees f.
In a bowl , whisk together flour , salt & baking powder , then rub in the butter , before stirring in the cheese.
Peel & core the apples , then grate them coarsely , before stirring them into the flour mixture , along with the mustard , half of the beaten egg & enough apple juice to bind the mixture together into a soft dough.
On a lightly floured surface , gently roll out the dough into a round about 3 / 4-inch thick , then using a 3-and-1 / 2-inch plain round cutter , stamp out 6 rounds , re-rolling the trimmings as necessary.
Transfer these rounds to a baking sheet , then brush the tops with the remaining beaten egg & bake for 15-18 minutes , or until risen & golden.
Place on a wire rack to cool , before serving warm , split in half & buttered.


self rising flour, salt, baking powder, unsalted butter, cheddar cheese, apples, coarse grain mustard, egg, apple juice