Chocolate Tidbits

Chocolaty, oaty, coconut fun. My kids eat them faster than i can get them out of the pot given the chance. I grew up eating these, my grandmother made them like a ritual, my husbands mother made them... Apparently the recipe came originally from a school penny sale cookbook...


Combine butter , milk , and sugar in a heavy bottomed saucepan and over medium-high heat bring just to the boil.
Remove from heat.
Add remaining ingredients to the pot and stir until completely combined.
Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper lined cookie sheets , and allow to cool for at least one hour at room temperature.
Store in an airtight tin at room temperature for up to week , or freeze for up to a month , defrost at room temp for several hours before serving.


butter, milk, granulated sugar, oats, shredded coconut, cocoa, vanilla, salt