Cheese Pasta Bake

Sourced online somewhere, can't recall though. you can add whatever vege or protein you like, say pancetta or chicken or spinach or mushrooms. we used pizza cheese that had four types in it as that was what was in fridge, but use what you like or have :)


Cook pasta in lightly salted water , drain and set aside.
Slice mushrooms and dice speck into small pieces.
Throw both of those in a pan to wilt the mushrooms and cook the speck.
In a separate medium sized saucepan , melt the butter ,.
Cook for one minute , then pour in a little of the milk.
Keep adding the milk , little by little and stirring all the time to get rid of any lumps.
Add the garlic and bay leaf to the sauce , along with some pepper and salt.
Once the sauce is hot and thickened , remove from the heat and add the 50g grated cheese.
Fold the pasta through your warm mushie mix.
Remove the bay leaf from the sauce and fold that through too.
Top with the parmesan and heat under a hot grill for 5-10 minutes till crisp and golden.


pasta, flour, butter, milk, bay leaf, garlic cloves, speck, swiss brown mushrooms, salt, pepper, cheese, parmesan cheese