Bulgarian Lentil Soup

This is a fast, delicious, nutritious recipe for lentils. You can have it plain or spicy and hot, you can add veggies or just do with the lentils.


Place lentils in a pot with ample water , a dash of oil and boil.
Chop carrots and onions and place in the pot.
Chop tomatoes and capsicum and place in the pot approx 15 min after you put the carrots.
Add spices and peeled garlic cloves except fenugreek and garden herbs.
Let cook slowly until the lentils are cooked.
Sprinkle garden herbs and fenugreek , turn off burner and cover with a lid.
Salt to taste.
Serve with sour cream / yoghurt.
You can also chillify it a bit either by adding green chillies or a tsp of chilli powder.
For a thicker consistency you can dissolve a tbsp of flour with the soup in a bowl and slowly add 5 min before cooking is finished.


brown lentils, onions, garlic, carrots, paprika, tomatoes, cumin, dried fenugreek leaves, mixed herbs, green chilies, chili powder, flour