Blt Casserole
My husband and i love this recipe. everyone i have ever served this to has asked for seconds. to speed up prep time the bacon can be cooked in the microwave. I have even reduced this recipe to 1 serving and baked in a mini loaf pan. Sometimes for a little different taste i use shredded mexican cheese in place of the cheddar cheese.
Fry bacon and set aside.
Scramble eggs and set aside.
Toast bread and spread with mayonnaise.
Cut toast into cubes with a pizza cutter.
Lay cubes in a 8-in square greased baking dish.
Try to keep mayo side up.
Place crumbled bacon on toast cubes.
Lay american cheese slices on top of bacon.
Place scrambled eggs on top of the cheese.
Cover eggs with the diced tomatoes.
Set aside.
In a saucepan , melt butter.
Stir in gravy mix until smooth.
Graduallly add milk.
Bring to a boil: cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened.
Pour gravy over casserole.
Sprinkle with shredded cheese and onion.
Bake , uncovered at 325 for 10 minutes.
Cut into squares.
Serve on lettuce.
toast, mayonnaise, bacon, american cheese, eggs, tomatoes, butter, country gravy mix, milk, cheddar cheese, sweet onion, lettuce