Advocaat German Eierlikor

Rich, thick and creamy homemade egg liqueur! Advocaat is traditionally served in a wide brimmed cocktail glass with whipped cream and a dusting of cocoa powder, and eaten with a spoon. It is also served as an aperitif or digestif. The best known cocktail using advocaat is the popular snowball recipe #351501, and also the bombardino recipe #467186 which is a popular apres-ski coffee beverage in the italian alps. Advocaat is also used as a topping for waffles, and as an ingredient for several desserts such as pastries and ice cream. Delicious!!


Beat the egg yolks , salt and sugar until thickened and lemony in color.
Slowly trickle in the brandy , while still beating.
Pour the mixture into a saucepan and warm over a low heat , continuously whisking.
Do not boil.
The advocaat is ready when it coats the back of a spoon.
Remove from heat and whisk in the vanilla extract.
Let cool.
Serve immediately , or cover & refrigerate until serving time.
Serve advocaat in a wide brimmed cocktail glass , with whipped cream and dust with cocoa powder.
Or , fold some whipped cream through the advocaat to create a decadent dessert called tokkelroom.


egg yolks, salt, superfine sugar, brandy, vanilla extract