Bikies Bread Au Beer Bread
I think i need to move to au because the variations of this bread all sound so delicious and easy to make. i found the recipe and variations on the site. you can make this as a plain beer bread (top recipe) or use one of the variants to add to the bread's flavors. found and posted for zwt8
Basic bread:.
Mix the flours , salt and beer ingredients together.
Grease a loaf pan and pour batter into prepared pan.
Sprinkle with the grated cheese.
Bake at 375f for 50-55 minutes or until golden brown.
Sunflower & chive:.
From the basic recipe mix the flours , salt and beer together with 1 / 4 cup sunflower seeds and 1 tbs dried chives.
Place in a well-greased loaf pan.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake at 375f for 50-55 minutes or until golden brown.
Bacon & cheese (additional ingredients 3 strips of cooked crumbled bacon , 1 / 8 cup shredded cheese and 1 tbs dried chives.
From the basic recipe mix the flours , salt and beer together along with 2 strips of bacon , chives and extra 1 / 8 c shredded cheese.
Pour into a well-greased loaf pan.
Sprinkle with the remaining one strip of crumbled bacon and the other 1 / 8 cup of shredded cheese.
Bake at 375f for 50-55 minutes or until golden brown.
Fruity bread (additional ingredients 1 / 2 c chopped dried cranberrie.
self-rising flour, whole wheat flour, salt, beer, cheese