Zucchini Feta Flapjacks

I got this from a kashi ad in family fun magazine, and just had to give it a try to use up some of the inevitable zucchini bumper crop! The flavor here is a bit mild, perhaps to make it more kid-friendly. When i make these again i will likely add something (more salt? some garlic? a flavored feta? who knows!) but they are really fine as written! . We enjoyed them dipped in honey mustard.


Squeeze zucchini firmly to remove excess liquid.
I like to wrap it in a towel or paper towel for this task.
Transfer to a bowl.
Mix in remaining ingredients.
Heat a wide frying pan over medium-high heat.
Coat with cooking spray.
Add 2 tablespoons zucchini mixture for each pancake and flatten slightly with spoon.
Cook about 3 minutes on each side , or until golden.


zucchini, feta cheese, eggs, egg white, whole wheat pastry flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, oregano