My mummy pleaded with me to make these, her grandma used to make them and she hadn't had them in so long. I took one each for my neighbour and her daughter and they loved them, took them to school and my friends demolished them and it was a fight over the last one. These are a true kiwi recipe, out of the edmonds cookbook
Pre heat oven to 180 degrees c.
Cream butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy.
Add essence.
Sift flour and custard powder together , fold into creamed mixture.
Roll teaspoonfuls of mixture into balls.
Place on oven tray , gently flatten with a floured fork.
Bake for 15-20 minutes , when cold sandwich together in pairs with butter filling.
To make butter filling:.
Beat all ingredients until well combined.
butter, icing sugar, vanilla essence, flour, custard powder