Vegan Winter Lasagne

'bake at 350 for 25 minutes'


Make the eggplant tapenade: cube and salt the eggplants.
Pit the olives , and chuck them , the sun dried tomatoes , tomato paste and olive oil into the blender.
When the eggplant is a little soft , toss it with the blended mixture and the chopped onions.
Make spinach pesto: wilt the spinach by dumping a kettle of boiling water over it.
Use a strainer , and squeeze out all the excess green water.
Dump the spinach , garlic , walnuts and a splash of olive oil into the blender and blend.
Make the mushroom layer: chop up the mushrooms , and the garlic.
Sautee the mushrooms and garlic together until the mushrooms are just softened.
Assemble the lasagne: using lidded pyrex dishes , put a layer of spinach pesto on the bottom , then put a layer of lasagne noodles , then a layer of the eggplant , then a layer of lasagne noodles in the opposite orientation of the last layer , then a layer of mushrooms , then a layer of lasagne noodles in the opposite orientation of the last layer , then.


'freeze leftovers trays whole in case you need some last minute food for a party later"