Tabbouli Tabouli Tabbouleh Salad Parsley Salad

A lebanese friend showed me how to make this back in 1996. It's my mother-in-laws favourite salad and i normally make it on request specially for her. i prefer flat leaf fresh parsley (also known as italian parsley) as it's better texture but curly leaf is alright. I normally buy the parsley and spring onions from the supper market prepacked bunches so if your measurements are slightly more or less it's alright, it doesn't have to be exact. the bourghul also soaks a lot of the moisture and i like tabbouli to be moist not dried that's why there is a lot of lemons and olive oil. like everything we cook it's all about the palate and who we are cooking for so if you choose to put less oil and lemons then it's ok. salt and black pepper to taste, so feel free to add less but not to much. The secret to good tabbouli is that everything should be finely chopped. enjoy


Add one cup of boiled water and one cup of bourghul in a small bowl and mix.
Place a tea towel over the bowl so the steam is unable to escape.
Set aside until cool.
Finely chop the parsley , spring onions and tomatoes and place them into your separate large salad bowl.
Juice all the fresh lemons and pour it over the salad mixture.
Add olive oil , black pepper and salt in the salad mixture.
Mix well.
Place over the cool bourghul and mix well.
Refrigerate any left overs for about 2-3 days.


fresh italian parsley, spring onions, tomatoes, lemons, juice of, olive oil, bulgur, water, ground black pepper, salt