Pinchos De Frutas Fruit Brochettes
Simple, healthy, and lovely dessert from top tour of spain site posted for zwt5. thank you linda.p chef#1844617 from top tour of spain site for clarifying the brown sugar and cream amounts. feel free to use whatever fruit you have on hand. notice how you can grill it outside or under your broiler. no time was given for how long to grill it so think it might be 2 minutes?
Arrange fruit on 4 brochette spears.
Sprinkle with sugar.
Brown under broiler or on your grill until the sugar has burnt slightly.
Optional: melt chocolate in microwave , stir in cream.
Serve brochettes on bed of chocolate or covered in it.
bananas, apples, pears, oranges, melon, brown sugar, dark chocolate, single cream