Paul's Amazing Chicken

The other night, paul, one of my sharemates made this delicious chicken dish. It was so tasty, and everyone loved it so much!!! Param n' kaval made indian bread called chapati, we had this with this chicken curry. I asked paul how to make it n it seems so simple n' easy!!! I want everyone to try this wonderful indian dish!!!


Put all the ingredients in a large pot , stir well.
Cook for about 15 minutes until gravy comes out.
Separate gravy in a different pan.
Cook chicken and gravy separately for about another 10 minutes until gravy gets a little bit thicker.
Put gravy back into chicken , add chopped fresh coriander , stir , cook for another 2 or 3 minutes.
Serve hot with chapati.


chicken, capsicum, onions, mushrooms, garam masala, salt, turmeric, chili, garlic paste, natural yoghurt, fresh coriander