Baked Ziti With Thick Rich Meat Sauce

This does make enough to feed 12 very fillingly! Using recipe #256239 which is a large amount that we top the baked ziti additional sauce and then freeze the remaining cooled sauce in 1 cup amounts for future use. The pasta is under cooked by 4 minutes it will finish when baked and it will absorb the liquid from the sauce making it yummier. This is very hearty, comforting, and satisfying because mom's will know their families are getting many nutrients that they need.


Prepare sauce and keep under a low flame.
Preheat oven to 350.
Mix the cheese mixture together.
Mix pasta with 1 / 3 - 1 / 2 of the cheese mixture till creamy and gooey.
Place 1 1 / 2 cups sauce in bottom of a 10x13 casserole dish.
Top with 1 / 2 of the pasta.
Spread the remaining cheese on the pasta.
Top with 2-3 cups of the meat sauce.
Top with remaining pasta.
1 cup sauce.
1 cup mozzarella.
Then top with grated cheese.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Placing foil on the rack below to catch any spillage that may occur for this is packed with goodness.
Meanwhile let the sauce keep simmering to use if desired on top of the baked ziti.


pasta sauce with meat, ziti pasta, ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, egg, dried parsley, black pepper