Po De Queijo Brazilian Cheese Puffs
This cheese bread is a very popular breakfast item and also a snack in brazil. You can find them in coffee shops, bakeries and restaurants. This recipe is amazing because there is no mess, you just blender all ingredients and then pour in a mini-muffin tray. Besides the delicious flavor, this bread is gluten free, what means that more people can enjoy it! I took this recipe at rainhas do lar blog (www.rainhasdolar.com).
Preheat oven to 350f.
Grease the bottoms of 24 mini-muffin cups.
Blend milk , oil and eggs , then add tapioca starch and finally , cheese.
The result must be something very liquid.
Pour the mixture in the muffins cups , filling about 2 / 3 of each one.
Sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Bake at 350f until done or golden brow , about 18 minutes.
They should double the size.
Serve warm.
We can even add small pieces of bacon before bake.
tapioca starch, milk, vegetable oil, eggs, salt, parmesan cheese