Baked Stuffed Boneless Chicken Breasts
This recipe can be prepared using boned, split chicken breasts without the skin or with the skin still attached. The skin becomes brown and crisp and keeps the delicate meat moist.
Preheat the oven to 350f.
Rinse and pat dry the chicken breasts.
Trim any fat around the edges.
If you wish , remove the white tendon running through the tenderloins.
Place the chicken breasts 1 at a time between sheets of wax paper and gently pound with a mallet until about 3 / 8 inch thick.
Season with salt and ground black pepper.
Heat unsalted butter in a small skillet over medium high heat until the foam begins to subside.
Add onions and cook , stirring , until tender but not brown , about 5 minutes: stir in minced garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
Remove the mixture to a bowl and stir in bread crumbs , parmesan cheese , parsley , rosemary , sage , salt and pepper.
Stir in the chicken stock.
The stuffing should be just moist enough to hold together in a crumbly ball when squeezed firmly in the hand.
Do not over moisten.
Taste and adjust the seasonings.
Lightly oil a 13 x 9-inch baking pan.
Place 1 / 4 cup stuffing on the center of the underside of each breast and pre.
boneless chicken breast halves, salt & fresh ground pepper, unsalted butter, onion, garlic, unseasoned breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, fresh parsley, dried rosemary, dried sage, salt, ground black pepper, chicken stock, olive oil