Oregano Chilli Haloumi Hellim

Growing up in a cypriot family hellim (also known as haloumi) was a staple in our family. mum either would fry or grill the cheese then served with lemon juice and crust bread for breakfast. Yes breakfast! she would never coat it with flour as i see many recipes on zaar however you could coat this recipe in flour if you wish. You could easily slightly alter the olive oil, lemon juice, spring onion or chilli to suit your palate


Whisk all dressing ingredients together in a small bowl.
Taste and season with pepper.
Set aside until haloumi is cooked.
To cook the haloumi , heat a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat , with one tablespoon of olive oil or spray the pan with olive oil cooking spray.
Once the pan was hot add haloumi and cook for one minute each side or until brown and heated through.
Place the haloumi on a serving platter.
Spoon over the dressing and sprinkle with oregano leaves and sliced lemon wedges.
Serve immediately with crusty bread.


olive oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh oregano, spring onions, red chili pepper, fresh ground black pepper, halloumi cheese, oregano leaves, fresh lemon