Ora Dean's Marinated Cabbage Coleslaw
Serves 25-30 people or you for 3 weeks. Origin from louisiana. Great to snack on with soda crackers.
It helps to use a food slicer to make thin slices.
Quarter the bell pepper and the cabbage prior to slicing.
1 / 2 the onion prior to slicing.
Slice the celery standing on end across the slicer.
Put ingredients in a large container and put the celery seeds over the top of the vegetables.
Put oil in a sauce pan with cider vinegar , salt , sugar.
Bring just to a boil and then pour over veggies and stir.
Store in refridgerator.
Gets better as it ages up to 3 weeks.
Let stand 24 hours before serving.
Will keep refrigerated 3 weeks.
cabbage, onions, bell pepper, celery, celery seeds, sugar, oil, cider vinegar, salt